Girls Night Out

Girls night out was fun yesterday.  I met up with some of my friends at this beauty event called Salon Ziba for a free hair and manicure treatment.  The event handed us a goody bag and then was escorted to the drinking table.  Then we made our way to the cupcake and cookie stand and grabbed a bite.  Later on we decided to head to the 2nd floor to see what we wanted to do.  I decided to do my hair, while my  friend was standing on line for a manicure treatment.  Then I was kindly escorted by this lady who worked my hair.  She asked what I wanted, so I told her I want to get my hair curl.  She curled my hair and it was pretty nice because I hardly ever get my hair curl.   While I was waiting for my friend,  I checked out some of the goody stuff that was inside the bag.  I have to say I got pretty good stuff.  I got Semi-Precious Marble Blush, along with a some hair products.  Here's a pic of what I got in the goody bag.

Here's a snapshot of a pic in curly hair.  As for the make up, I put on very light make up so that is why it isn't showing at all.



  1. nice goodies! :) looked like you had fun! i don't think we have events like this in australia.

  2. Yeah it was totally fun, plus getting a goody bag scores as well. There are a lot of these girly event that are for free. The down size is that it's on a weekday night though it can be a bit exhausting to go right after from work. But overall everyone seems to have a great time. Australia needs to party up a bit. I'm sure there are a lot of fun stuff to do in Australia.

  3. Hi Cyn! You're so quick with your blog posts! Love the goodie bags!! :)

  4. Great to meet you at this event! I hope to see you again in the future as well. And I love your website, I'll be sure to read your future posts.


Please feel free to ask any questions or make any requests. I will try to respond to any of your questions or comments in the same entry, so check back for a response. Thanks for stopping by!

[name=Peony in Love] [img=] [description=I'm a beauty blogger that enjoy shopping, running, fine dining ☕️ & traveling ✈️. I hope to share with you my daily expedition in the ❤️ of NYC.] (twitter= (instagram= (bloglovin=