My Lost Bathing Suit

I was a bit upset that I forgot to pack my bathing suit and it was left at the hotel from my Florida trip.   I left mine and also my daughter's bathing suit as well, but the good news is that her bathing suit was a hand me down from her cousin, so I'm not concern as much as mine.  My older swimming suit fits for a serious workout whenever I go swimming.  The older swimming suit was plain black and it was a top quality brand name swimming suit by Speedo

The good thing is that I have a good excuse to get a new one, but I'm not really a swimmer ever since I came back to New York. The reasons is that there aren't a lot of community outdoor or indoor pools, if so it's dirty and it's not private unless you have to pay.  I get antsy of having to share with total strangers.  At least, if there were a private community pool; usually there aren't a lot of people in it especially on working days.  At least I can get a good few swimming laps around the pool so that I could enjoy my own comfort of privacy. 

Normally I really don't need a companion to swim with me.  I enjoy swimming alone and get a good exercise of it.  So I'm kinda of debating should I get a serious workout swimming suit or a fashionable one.   I like to have fashionable swimming suit, but I'm not sure if it does the real swimming purpose.  Like this swimming suit from Anthropologie:

I really like the fish buckle and the color suits me really well.  Navy is one of my favorite color, navy is like a pink to me. Another factor in looking for a swimming suit, I like something that fits perfectly for my shape.  I have an hourglass shape so finding something fashionable for my shape is hard to come by.  I'm on the chubby size scale and no matter how much I like the fish buckle, I wish I was petite to begin with.


1 comment:

  1. pick whatever you like, and go swimming in the early hour when the pool just open so the water is clear and clean. that way by the time ppl starts to come in you'll be leaving. ;)

    i know in flushing they have this aquatic center by flushing meadow park that open a few years, and you pay membership which cost about $71/year, and children is free. i know that sounds a lot but if you really like swimming why not. that's just my 2 cent. D:


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